Serving Southern California for more than 50 years

Orange County Pathology
Medical Group

A Concierge Pathology Service

Rapid and accurate diagnoses from pathologists trained at world-renowned institutions

What We Deliver

Rapid Turnaround Time

We prioritize efficiency without compromising accuracy. The majority of our cases are completed within just one business day, providing timely results to aid in effective patient management and treatment planning.

Direct Access to Pathologists

We believe in fostering strong collaborations with clinicians. Our pathologists are readily available by phone at all times, ensuring seamless communication and offering valuable support when needed. This direct access enhances the quality of patient care and facilitates prompt decision-making.

Real-time Accessible Reports

Convenience is paramount in our services. Through our user-friendly medical portal, clinicians can access reports in real-time, no matter the time or location. This instant access allows for quick reviews, and immediate insights, and expedites the diagnostic process.

Customizable Reports

We understand that every patient is unique and may require tailored diagnostic approaches. Our reports are fully customizable, accommodating specific clinician requests and preferences. This comprehensive approach ensures that each patient receives the individualized care they deserve.

Our Specialities

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Gastrointestinal / GI

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Dermatopathology / Skin

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Head & Neck

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Genitourinary / GU

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Pediatric Pathology

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General Surgical Pathology

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Women's Health: Breast/GYN

Microscopic images with blue square elements

Who We Are

Orange County Pathology Medical Group

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24 Hour Access

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Quick Turnaround

We are committed to providing you with accurate diagnoses delivered by our team of highly trained pathologists, who hail from globally respected institutions. You can expect to receive your results in just about one business day for routine cases. Additionally, our dedication to your convenience means you'll have instant access to real-time pathology reports, and our pathologists are available around the clock, ensuring that your care stands out and remains accessible whenever you need it.

Orange County Pathology
Medical Group, Inc

Contact us for precise diagnoses delivered by pathologists from prestigious institutions.  Enjoy the convenience of real-time pathology reports and 24-hour access to our expert pathologists, setting us apart in providing top-notch care.

Other Services that We Offer

Second Opinions

We provide sound medical second opinions of cancer and other pathology diagnoses from our offices in Orange County, California.

Pathology Consultations

We diagnose cancer and other diseases of the Breast, Prostate, Cervix (Gyn), Skin (Dermatology) and more. Client physicians may log on to our Provider Portal

For Patients

Please feel free to contact us for a second opinion of your pathology diagnosis.